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Signing Group with Laptops
Deaf Culture
Deaf Culture | Name Signs

Deaf culture consists of many valued traditional aspects that are significant to the Deaf community, and one of them is name sign. Name sign is a sign that is exclusively

Deaf Accessibility
How to be an Ally for the Deaf Community

What does it mean to be an Ally? An Ally, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is defined as to join (yourself) with another person or group to get or give

About ASL
Language Deprivation in Deaf Children

A person shared that she heard so many stories of parents being told that their baby or child has failed their hearing tests and how sorry the doctor is to

Deaf Accessibility
Deaf People’s Experiences at the Doctors

D/deaf people have struggled to get ASL interpreters to attend doctor’s appointments and this has caused a lot of frustration for D/deaf people. Every time a D/deaf person request an

About ASL
April 15th is ASL Day!

There are a lot of holidays we celebrate in the United States. Some of them are national holidays while others are religious holidays. Other countries have their holidays which also

About ASL
Associations by, for and of the Deaf

Deaf Associations are businesses and Deaf organizations that provide services for Deaf people so they can be independent and successful, and there are so many. Have you heard that term

Baby Sign Language
How to Raise a Deafblind Child?

For many parents, it is hard enough to hear from the doctor’s that their child is deaf or to find out your child becomes deaf later in his or her

Baby Sign Language
Different Types of Interpreters: Education Interpreters

There are different types of interpreters. In the article, “Certified Deaf Interpreter Interprets at Coachella Festival” I talked about ASL interpreters for concerts and festivals; however, in this particular article,

About ASL
Do You Speak American Sign Language?

Have you ever been fascinated when people say, “Do you speak sign language?” Sign language isn’t a spoken language, so it does not really make sense to say “speak” as

Deaf Accessibility
Deaf Travel Part 2

Deaf people can do anything except hear. Anything includes traveling. Did you know that there are a lot of Deaf travelers. Most people wonder, “How do Deaf people travel if

Deaf Accessibility
Deaflympics 2022

Deaflympics 2022 Deaflympics occurred between May 1 – May 15, 2022. It occurred in Caxias do Sul, Brazil. There were 73 nations who joined Deaflympics and list of medals each

Deaf Accessibility
DeafNation World Expo in Las Vegas August 2022

Joel Barish hosted the 4th DeafNation World Expo & Conference at the Bally’s Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada on August 1-4, 2022. About 15,000 Deaf people from around

Deaf Accessibility
Deaf Students in Mainstream Education

D/deaf students need accommodations that will help them be successful in their education. Normal hearing students can easily listen and multitask by taking notes during lectures; however, this is not

American Sign Language Name Sign for VP Kamala Harris
American Sign Language Name Sign for VP Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris receives an American Sign Language sign name after she got elected as president Joe Biden’s vice president. American Sign Language and Deaf Culture – The Significance of Name

About ASL
American Sign Language Syntax

Homonyms in ASL The definition of homonyms in spoken English mean two or more words having the same spelling or pronunciation meanings or origins, but they all have completely different

ASL Careers
Deaf-Owned Businesses

  Deaf-owned businesses and American Sign Language (ASL) are spreading and becoming widely popular. There are many Deaf-owned business all over the country. Here are some Deaf business that you

Be Inspired to Learn ASL from Five Deaf Celebrities
American Sign Language
Be Inspired to Learn ASL from Five Deaf Celebrities

Five Deaf Celebrities Who Will Inspire You to Learn ASL  Stories of Deaf celebrities who use American Sign Language (ASL) daily may encourage you to learn ASL yourself. Doing so

An infographic by about The Very Short Term Challenges in Teaching ASL with AI.
American Sign Language
The Very Short Term Challenges in Learning ASL with AI

The Very Short Term Challenges in Learning ASL with AI Researchers and educators have long recognized the need to develop sophisticated technologies to help people learn ASL with AI. However,

How American Sign Language has Changed Over Time
About ASL
How American Sign Language has Changed Over Time

How American Sign Language has Changed Over Time Change is clearly a characteristic of every language. For instance, in 2022, the Oxford English Dictionary added 650 new words, senses, and

Does American Sign Language Have Accents
American Sign Language
Does American Sign Language Have Accents?

American Sign Language has a rich history in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Before Europeans arrived in North America, indigenous peoples created sign languages to interact with their Deaf

Understanding and Learning American Sign Language
American Sign Language
Understanding and Learning American Sign Language

Understanding and Learning American Sign Language What is American Sign Language? Learning American Sign Language is trending now more than ever before. Commonly referred to as ‘ASL,’ American sign language

Learning Sign Language for Babies
About ASL
Help Your Baby Learn Sign Language

Learn Sign Language For Babies Learn sign language basics such as eat, sleep, more, play, milk, etc. These basic signs are called baby signs. Many people get confused between Baby

Deaf Accessibility
More Facts about Deaf Culture

I have mentioned several key aspects of the Deaf culture in the articles, “Did You Know the Facts About American Sign Language, Deaf Culture, and Deaf Community?” and “Deaf Culture

About ASL
History of American Sign Language

by Faith Ekart | 29 September 21 Sign language has been around for a really long time. People don’t know exactly when it started, but people have been using types

Deaf Accessibility
Deaf Gain and Benefits

It is known that Deaf/hard of hearing people have one less sense and encounter many hardships and challenges, but there are a lot of positive elements. It is true that

Deaf Accessibility
Deaf Schools Versus Mainstream Schools

There are two different major types of schooling for Deaf people. Deaf schools also known as Deaf institutes are specially for Deaf students only. This means the communication and teaching

ASL Careers
Deaf People Can Do Anything Except Hear

Deaf people are able to function just like normal hearing people. Hearing people graduate from universities with a Bachelor’s degree and some further their education to getting a Masters or

Deaf Culture
Deaf Culture vs. Hearing Culture

There are major differences between the Deaf culture and hearing culture that people may not realize and it is crucial to keep in mind when interacting with Deaf people. One

About ASL
Is American Sign Language Universal?

  Many people ask, “Is American Sign Language (ASL) universal?” Well, the answer is no, it is not universal. American Sign Language is unique and is commonly used within the

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